undeveloped
land”(史蒂夫,你看这里就像还没有开发的土地一样。)
“Yes,
it
doesn't
look
like
nuclear
ons
have
been
used
at
all”(是的,一点也看不出来像使用过核武器)
“I
don't
know
what
monsters
we'll
encounter
”(真不知道我们接下来会遇到什么怪物)
“Steve,
what
are
those
two
in
front
of
you?”(史蒂夫你看前面那两个是什么?)
从远处过来的众人人已经注意到了赤郝与通臂的存在,并立马对其做出了反应。
“Two
people
in
front,
tell
me
that
you
belong
to
that
country,
otherwise
we
will
attack
you”(前方的两人,立即告诉我们你们隶属于那个国家,否则我们将会对你们发动进攻)
......
“他们在说什么啊?通臂,你听得懂吗?”
“这个大陆上有着上百种的语言,就在前几日闲暇时我到是学会了一些。”
“It
doesn't
matter
who
we
are,
tell
me
who
you
are.”(我们是谁并不重要,告诉我你们的身份。)
......
“Steve
and
the
two
of
them
looked
like
apes
and
could
speak
English”(史蒂夫他们两个人好像类人猿,竟然会说英语)
“We
are
the
Special
Iigation
Task
Force
of
the
United
States,
and
if
you
don't
reveal
your
identity,
then
you
can't
leave.”(我们是美国fbl特别调查行动小组,在不交代你们身份的话,那你们可就走不掉了。)
......
“他们在说什么?通臂。”
“可能是在威胁我们吧。”
“我们应该没有时间和他们闲聊吧。”
“等一下,或许......”
......喜欢神临凡请大家收藏: